After several jump cuts of him trying to kick it out, it moves further into the house, and Michael continues trying to kick it away in vain. GOB: You know, I sort of thought my contribution could be a magic show. I just remembered something – Dad’s retiring, not turning six. Michael never quite losses his sense of humor. Even when it seems like he’s reached his breaking point. Michael decides that since he’s no longer the president of the Bluth company, he’s going to be “fun.” It starts out okay. At the office Christmas party, Michael and his niece, Maeby, keep licking candy and sticking it to the back of GOB’s suits (tired of him bragging about how expensive they are), and Michael seems to be having a pretty good time. Then he tells Maeby, to fire up the karaoke machine, and they’ll do a duet of the first song that comes on. Maeby does, and they get about halfway through “Afternoon Delight” before Michael realizes just how inappropriate a song it is to be singing with his 15 year old niece. Later in the episode Lindsay and George Michael make the same mistake.

In an attempt to get the attention of the Bluth company employees, Michael gets plastic whistles made up for them and scatters them across the table during a business meeting, telling them that if they see anything going on in the company that seems shady, they should blow the whistle. This backfires spectacularly as the employees all blow the whistles constantly, until Michael has to collect them all back, like a teacher punishing an unruly class. Michael doesn’t have a good relationship with his mother. And none of the relationships in the show are what you’d call “healthy.” But every once in a while, Michael just has to tell someone about all the crap he’s dealing with. On one such occasion, Lucille scoops him into a hug, which she had only ever done once before.